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Annyeong South Korea!

Music lovers in South Korea can rejoice, as Släpstick is bringing its sensational show Schërzo to South Korea. From 28

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Dear Stay-at-Homers

Dear Stay-at-Homers,
To match the spirit of the present “roaring twenties”, we pulled out all the stops in order to record a new single and clip – and it’s done! In cooperation with Our “Dear” friend and musical star Cystine Carreon.

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Culture in Action!

The world is going through strange times indeed, and through it all we contributed our bit on (still available online for the whole week!). Theater, and all other forms of art and culture, will still play an important role in the times to come, as they always have.

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The COVID-19 pandemic affects all of us. For us, that unfortunately means that we have had to suspend our tour for an indeterminate amount of time.

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The Opera House Wellington Heritage


Between the 13th and the 15th of March our Släpstick show will take the podium at the magnificent Opera House in Wellington New Zealand, as part of the New Zealand Festival of the Arts! A festival chockfull of dance, music, theater and comedy, performed by unbelievably talented artists. We’ve already loaded our instruments and props on the airplane on Tuesday, and we’ll be chasing them down a week later. We’ll keep you posted!

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